Baby Briar's 4 Month Disney Milestone Shoot- Fairest of Them All

Briar is 4 Months Old! The Fairest of Them All

This has been one of my favorite months with Briar. She truly is the light of our life, and our hearts are so full. Her personality is more and more developed every day. She is such a chill, happy baby and is so easy to soothe. We did hit her 4 month sleep regression a few weeks ago, so that has been hard for Ryan and I getting less and less sleep. We are really hoping that passes soon because the sleep deprivation has been rough. We are very tired parents.

Briar has been giggling and laughing this month, we are so excited about that! Playtime is much more fun when we get those smiles and giggles. Once again those big gummy smiles are the best thing ever.

She is starting to work on rolling both ways. She can roll from her back to her belly with some assistance, so we are expecting her to do it on her own soon! 

Like last month, she only wants to sit up and now stand with help. She loves feeling included and pays attention to whoever is talking. She also looks for me when she hears my voice across the room and responds to her name now.

She is a petite baby, so she has barely graduated into 3-6 month clothes and my heart can't take it! Every time I have to put away her clothes I get so sad because she will never be that tiny again. Every month is a joy but also bitter sweet.

Briar is constantly vocal now, giving squeaks and squeals all day every day. She loves to have a conversation and will respond to us when we talk to her.

Feeding is still a struggle occasionally, so we really follow her lead and hunger cues as she will not follow a consistent schedule. As someone who is extremely schedule-oriented, that has been an adjustment for me. 

She found her feet this month! If you follow my instagram, you will see a lot of her pictures she's grabbing and showing her feet. She'll kick all the time now and stare at her feet, it's so cute!

That's the milestone update for this month! Now onto the photoshoot details!

How I did the photoshoot:

    -Letter board
    -Snow White outfit

    This shoot was a bit more challenging, as Briar is now grabbing everything around her. So, I had to keep her attention and her hands busy. She definitely grabbed and knocked over the props multiple times. When that happened, I would move her away, set up again, and give her something to keep her busy before taking pictures. Then I would take away what she had and quickly take pictures keeping her attention on me.
    For the setup, I propped up a mirror, filled a basket of apples, and had a letter board spelt "Fairest of Them All" all leaned on each other to balance the mirror. I then added Briar in her snow white outfit. This theme was extremely easy and required little materials. I am also so happy with how everything turned out! As per usual, I used morning light and my white rug for the bright look I was going for.
    I also did a second setup without the letterboard. I placed the mirror on the floor and had her do tummy time so I could get her reflection in the mirror. She definitely drooled on the mirror but it was so cute! I had the basket of apples next to her.

    -Snow White Outfit:

Tips photographing a baby:
    -Set up while your baby is napping! 
    -Once they wake, feed them, change their diaper, then put on their outfit.
    -Make it fun, have positive energy. Babies feed off you. If you are stressed, they will be.
    -Get a binky that matches what you are photographing. If they get fussy at a certain point don't be afraid to get a few pictures of them with a binky. 
    -Photograph on the ground on their level, try different angles, get close ups, don't be afraid to move around.
    -Use a squeaky toy and your voice to get them to look at the camera.
    -If they are rowdy or in a grabbing phase, keep their hands busy with a toy similar to the theme.

I hope this gave some inspiration for you! Let me know in the comments what you think! Will you be trying this?
