Briar is 3 Months Old and Sweet as Honey!
Once again, another month has come and gone. It is wild how much features, ability, and temperament changes in just one month. Already we are seeing more of Briar's personality. She is much more aware of the world. It's so interesting as an adult seeing the world through the eyes of a tiny baby. It truly makes you slow down and appreciate the little things. My favorite thing is looking at what I considered to be uninteresting, mundane things (such as a ceiling fan) as something amazing to stare at.
This month's theme is Winnie the Pooh, and is the most intricate I will have for a while. I took some inspiration from Pinterest and knew I wanted to do a "picnic with Pooh." I'll list out details in a bit, but first onto Briar's monthly milestone update!
Briar has been giving tons of smiles all day every day. We love how happy she is, and her beaming face truly brightens our day. Even when life stress is going on, just her smile makes things better.
She still loves my kisses but hates her daddy's because of his beard. Whenever Ryan kisses her she gives him a dirty look, it's hilarious.
Briar is in a stage where she only wants to sit up and throws a fit when we hold her like the baby she is. She wants to look around and feel like she's a part of the conversation. She'll even babble to be a part of the conversation.
She is still obsessed with story time, taking her sweet time staring at every single detail on every single page. She is attracted to high-contrast, which is on par with her development.
Music time is still one of her favorite parts of the day. She coos and babbles along. Her favorite songs are Hakuna Matata, Scales and Arpeggios, Part of Your World, Baby of Mine, and any made up song I sing to her. I'll make up songs on the fly singing out descriptions of what we're doing and she always loves it.
Briar does SO well in public. She is always well behaved, just staring and making sense of the world around her. Everywhere we go she is complimented. She also naps amazingly out in public but when it comes to naps at home she fights it. She also gets antsy when we're home all day, so it has been good motivation to get out and explore.
That concludes her milestone update! Now onto details of the shoot!
How I Did the Photoshoot:
-Winnie the Pooh plush
-Picnic basket
-Blanket of choice
-Honey pots (DIY)
-Wood crate
-Letter board
-Printed out bees
-Winnie the Pooh outfit
I chose to do the photoshoot outside this time to fit the theme of "picnic with Pooh." I did the shoot in my parent's back yard. I chose a shady spot and got to work! I first laid down a blanket, put down the picnic basket, and placed the Winnie the Pooh plush next to it. I then put down the crate and letter board spelling "sweet as honey" and layered honey pots I DIY'd on, in, and in front of the crate. I taped on bees that I printed/cut out from Canva. I then placed Briar in her Winnie the Pooh outfit.
-Outfit wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=484&&adid=22222222227000000000&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=42423897272&wl4=aud-430887228898:pla-51320962143&wl5=9030127&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=111840136&wl11=online&wl12=681083926&veh=sem&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3v6SBhCsARIsACyrRAkAwrkBAHRfp1GZjsJnACGRfCuiGMEaW2qeEFM9HiGu0dO3WTKWOdMaAk83EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Tips photographing a baby:
-Set up while your baby is napping!
-Once they wake, feed them, change their diaper, then put on their outfit.
-Make it fun, have positive energy. Babies feed off you. If you are stressed, they will be.
-Get a binky that matches what you are photographing. If they get fussy at a certain point don't be afraid to get a few pictures of them with a binky.
-Photograph on the ground on their level, try different angles, get close ups, don't be afraid to move around.
-Use a squeaky toy and your voice to get them to look at the camera.
Let me know in the comments what you think of this Milestone shoot! Will you be trying?
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