Baby Briar's 6 Month Disney Milestone Shoot- Life is the Bubbles

Briar is 6 Months Old! Life is the Bubbles!

Happy half birthday to Briar! Once again another month has sped by. Every time I do a new photoshoot it seems like I had just put together the last one. And just like time, Briar is hitting each milestone quickly! Without further ado, we will get on to Briar's milestone update!

Briar officially has two bottom teeth! She had been teething for a while, and on Easter Sunday the tippy tops of her teeth poked through. To no surprise, they have been steadily raising since then. They are quite sharp so whenever she wants to gum our hands it is starting to hurt now! The gummy smile is one I will remember forever, and I am so excited to see her toothy grin!

Briar is still a very happy baby aside from when she's having teething pains. She loves to smile and laugh, with her favorite game being peekaboo. She loves roughhousing with her dad, where he lifts her up upside-down and lays her back down. She loves that game! She also loves to play "composer" with her grandma Foxx, where she leads to music and stuffs her hands in her mouth. She'll then pause to start waving her arms again and repeat. It's the cutest ever! Her giggles and laughs are the cutest ever, I'm so so happy I have plenty of videos to keep that sound forever.

She is trying new snacks and purees. Her favorite treat are yogurt melts, and her favorite puree is the mango, carrot, and apple flavor. She's getting better about sitting down to eat and practicing eating from a spoon. We tried a squeeze pack, but she didn't quite know how to eat from it yet and spat everything out. So for now, we're just going to use a spoon and hand feed her treats! As always, she also loves to sneak a bit of whipped cream from our own treats. Those baby hands are FAST.

We are working on sitting up right now. She can sit for up to 20 seconds on her own, and can completely sit up in her high chair and on our laps. She's also working on supporting her weight on her hands and knees, she loves practicing crawling and will kick her legs and "superman" to signal that she wants help getting in the crawling position. She is also able to turn her body side to side on her own now. Needless to say, it's time to reign in the babyproofing.

She is giving me quite the anxiety rolling to her belly when she goes down for naps and bedtime. I am constantly checking on her to make sure she's breathing. What can I say, new mom anxiety is rough! But as time goes I'm getting more comfortable with her rolling.

She had her first blowout and a few after that. Everyone is surprised when I say it's taken this long for a blowout. Thankfully, they haven't been terrible. We haven't experienced all the way up the back, just small bits out her diaper. I would say we're at one blowout a week. Not bad! 

Briar is still a very talkative baby. She loves to scream, squeal, "sing," and "read" along to stories. I will never get tired of her baby voice. Her grandma Foxx also has her on the piano (she's a piano teacher). Briar was able to press some keys and had a blast figuring it out! 

She has also hit the stage where she notices when we are not around and starts to freak out. She is a slow-to-warm baby with strangers and others aside from mom and dad and grandparents. Anyone else she needs to get used to first before being held. And even then she needs to make sure mom and dad are around!

Briar is still in 3-6 clothes, though her pjs are officially too small. She is now in 6-9 in pj's. Though I'm happy the rest still fits because we have yet to shop for the next size up, so we will be taking advantage of the clothes that do fit still!

That concludes Briar's milestone update, now onto her photoshoot tutorial!

How I did her photoshoot:

    -Water print fabric (I got mine from Hobby Lobby)
    -Beige knit blanket
    -Clear plastic ornaments
    -Shell shaped Easter eggs (Dollar Tree)
    -Flounder and Sebastian stuffed animals (Target Disney section)
    -Little Mermaid outfit (Ali Express)
    -Red bow (Amazon pack)

    First I laid down the water fabric and the beige knit blanket around the edges to resemble a beach. I then took the clear plastic ornaments and spread them around, also forming a hidden mickey. I spread shell shaped easter eggs around the beige blanket. Lastly, I put Flounder in the water and Sebastian on the borderline and added Briar in her outfit. I took pictures using my Canon Rebel T6, edited in both Lightroom and Photoshop. The full tutorial is on my Youtube if you want to see my editing, @theElizaMouse.

    -Shells (Dollar tree but you can find similar at Walmart as well):

Tips photographing a baby:
    -Set up while your baby is napping! 
    -Once they wake, feed them, change their diaper, then put on their outfit.
    -Make it fun, have positive energy. Babies feed off you. If you are stressed, they will be.
    -Get a binky that matches what you are photographing. If they get fussy at a certain point don't be afraid to get a few pictures of them with a binky. 
    -Photograph on the ground on their level, try different angles, get close ups, don't be afraid to move around.
    -Use a squeaky toy and your voice to get them to look at the camera.
    -If they are rowdy or in a grabbing phase, keep their hands busy with a toy similar to the theme.

I hope this gave some inspiration for you! Let me know in the comments what you think! Will you be trying this?
