Briar is 10 Months Old!
Only 2 more months of Briar being a baby. I am soaking up every minute. Every day she changes and grows, I can see her wanting to become more independent and explore things for herself. She is hilarious, curious, oh so sweet, and spunky! Here is her milestone update:
✨Briar is at the stage of getting into anything and everything. She wants everything I have and wants to play with chords.
✨She loves trying new flavors and foods (but is not a fan of sweet potato so far).
✨She is brave, vocal, energetic, curious, social.
✨Briar is clapping and waving.
✨She’s pulling herself to stand up on her own with support, and can sometimes find the balance on her own for a few seconds.
✨She loves the dogs, especially Nova.
✨Briar is so ticklish and loves to be tickled. Her tickle spots are her ribs and her belly.
✨With her teeth in, she’s biting not realizing that now it hurts.
✨She comes to me to cuddle and it melts my heart every time.
✨She reacts to being told no (mostly with crying).
✨She loves to rub noses and touch foreheads.
✨She’s standing up and poking her head above the pack and play instead of just laying down to go to sleep now.
This month's milestone shoot was hard to come up with. I had several ideas that I was considering, but none seemed to be budget friendly. I wanted to spend as little as possible while still creating a great shoot for her. I finally thought about Tinkerbell and realized I wouldn't need a lot, as Tink is always the star of the show, which means less props! So Tinkerbell it is!
Here is how I did her milestone photoshoot!
-Green dress
-Fairy wings
-Lantern with battery powered candle (I purchased mine from Burlington, any wooden style lantern will work!)
Amazon storefront-
This was the easiest milestone shoot I've done with minimal props. For this shoot, all I did was turn on the lantern, place it, then got Briar dressed in her Tink outfit! The hardest part was getting her to sit still, but with time and patience we got the pictures we needed and they turned out adorable! For the glowing effect, I used lightroom and darkened the overall exposure, used a brush tool and made Briar glow as well as feathered the brush so it looked like the glow was radiating off of her.
Tips photographing a baby:
-Set up while your baby is napping!
-Once they wake, feed them, change their diaper, then put on their outfit.
-Make it fun, have positive energy. Babies feed off you. If you are stressed, they will be.
-Get a binky that matches what you are photographing. If they get fussy at a certain point don't be afraid to get a few pictures of them with a binky.
-Photograph on the ground on their level, try different angles, get close ups, don't be afraid to move around.
-Use a squeaky toy and your voice to get them to look at the camera.
-If they are rowdy or in a grabbing phase, keep their hands busy with a toy similar to the theme.
I hope this gave some inspiration for you! Let me know in the comments what you think! Will you be trying this?
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